
How Do Video Games Affect The Economy

Decent Essays

The gaming industry has evolved from a small production into a blockbuster business and is the fastest growing category of mass media around today. This industry is a vital part of the global and U.S. economy, contributing to job opportunities and a constant increase in GDP revenue. With sales that outweigh most other markets, gaming has added to the GDP by almost $5 billion. The revenue from gaming is an estimated $82 billion which is five times greater than global music, $16.5 billion, and similar to movie revenues (André Marchand and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau 2013). Over a 25-year period, the gaming industry has grown annually between 9% and 15% which is outperforming the U.S. economy, at only a 2.4% annual increase. The expansion that this industry has undergone in just the last decade has bean a huge feat for the economy as well as the U.S. culture. …show more content…

Gallagher, president and CEO of the ESA (Entertainment Software Association) said in a statement, "Computer and video game companies have made an important contribution to our nation's economy while stimulating technological innovations and expanding the impact of games on our daily lives." There are numerous benefits that emerge from gaming that positively impact our culture and economy. Due to the immense growth rate of the gaming industry, the job market in the industry is one of the nations fastest growing sectors, providing a vast amount of high paying jobs to Americans throughout the country. Employment in computer and video game companies continue to grow continuously, contributing immensely to todays societal culture. Not only do the amount of jobs continue to increase because of gaming, the average salary for employees in the industry are increasing at a faster rate than most other occupations (André Marchand and Thorsten Hennig-Thurau

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