
How Do Nurses Affect The Job Of A Nurse?

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Problem Statement
The job of a nurse can be physically and mentally demanding. Nurses must be alert and focus on every aspect that pertains to a patient’s care. Patients are admitted into the hospital with varies conditions, so nurses must be able to adapt to each situation. Nurses are expected to deliver quality care without any complications and each shift should be error free. Nursing errors may include but are not limited to medication errors, patient safety, and documentation errors. When working twelve hour shifts, managing different patients and being exhausted the risk for medical error increases. Being overworked causes many nurses to be dissatisfied with their job which reflects their performance. The performance of a nurse is an essential factor in being able to …show more content…

Even with this being the goal, medical errors occur and the number of adverse outcomes increase yearly. A significant amount of medical errors is the result of nursing errors, causing harm to patient and an increase in treatment expenses (Hashemi, Nasrabadi, & Asghari, 2012). It has been found that one in three patients that are admitted into the hospital will experience a medical error (Classen, et al, 2011). This alone proves the change needed to create a safer environment for patients, regardless of the medical error severity. To combat this issue, the types of medical errors must be identified. There are three categories of errors should be considered by healthcare facilities: errors that harm the patients, errors that do not result in harm of the patient and errors that may harm but are diminished before reaching the patient (Hashemi, Nasrabadi, & Asghari, 2012). An explanation must be made for these three categories in order to find a solution and stop them from occurring again. Another crucial factor in battling medical errors, is to determine whether or not they are being report and nurse’s definition of an

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