
Analysis Of How Do I Love Thee By Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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Research Essay: How Do I Love Thee
Elizabeth Barrett Browning asks, “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.” (439). There are innumerable ways you are able to love to another individual. Each line of the poem answers her original question, and then goes on to prove (with evidence) that her love is indeed real. Browning describes and expresses her distinct feelings very literally about the one she loves in this poem. She explains love by listing and describing many of the ways that she knows how to love and compares it to circumstances which the readers can relate to. Browning uses love to show readers that there are immeasurable ways to have this passion in How Do I Love Thee? In this poem she expresses three major ideas of love: the …show more content…

She associates her mortal body to the way that her love is unlimited, just like God. Associating her passion for love to the passion that Jesus Christ has for this followers she says, “I love thee with the passion put to use.” (440). She tells that she still has the love as she has always had, “I love thee with a love I seemed to lose with my lost saints,” which shows her maturity and evolution into adulthood. No matter how old she gets, her love will continue to grow with her and thrive dissimilar to young adults who lose faith as they get older. She desperately wants to stay with her man on Earth and in Heaven, “-and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.” (Lines 12-14) shows that even in death she will have the ability to forever love.
The theme is that love is always present, regardless of if your living or in the after-life. This poem describes a love that is so passionate, true and pure that she will go to any length to show and describe it. Browning expresses the speakers love by repeating it often and going into great deal comparing it to other things to make it relatable to the readers. After reading, I believe that this poem can make a person want to strive for this type of passionate love. She speaks of her soul, which is an abstract object, then speaks of candles, which are basic real object that is tangible. The candle light can

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