
How Did World War 1 Change The Role Of Women

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World War one, also known as the Great War began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918. It was one of the deadliest conflicts in history with more than 9 million combatants and 7 million civilians killed as a result of the war (Wikipedia). It paved the way for major political changes and revolutionised many of the nations involved. One such revolution was that of women. Many aspects of their lives were impacted including; personal effects; employment; education; fashion; technology and political. Before the war, women in western countries were mainly confined to work in the domestic field, as servants, while others worked in textile and clothing factories. In fact, in Great Britain, just before WW1, there were 24 million adult women; …show more content…

There were a range of reasons why women changed their lives and took on new roles. Firstly, there was patriotic reasons, there was also a desire to do something more interesting and varied, to improve social status. However, many entered new work roles as a result and desperation of absent soldiers, was extremely modest. By 1917, it was surveyed that 68% of women had changed their job since the beginning of the war. When the war began it was still uncommon for many women to have jobs, apart from domestic serving roles by the lower class. However, the idea that women could take up in paid work in place of the men, who had gone to war, was resisted for a number of reasons. This resistance lasted until WW2, even though women begged to be allowed to assist, to help win the war and offer their talents. The new duties that women were involved with meant more physical movement. Therefore fashion began to change to allow for them to perform their duties in an easier way. Clothing lost the rigid, tailored lines of the Edwardian period, instead women started to wear military clothe, tunics, jackets and belts. Their skirts became shorter and thy even started to wear trousers. Women stopped wearing jewellery and the use of colour became more sober and

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