
How Did Thomas Jefferson Purchase American Indians

Decent Essays

American History was made after President Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana territory from French Dictator, Napoleon Bonaparte. Many Americans were delighted by Jefferson’s accomplishment. The LA territory nearly doubled the size of the United States and it was bought for a cheap price of 15 million dollars. While some people were satisfied by the deal, few weren’t. A large group of people weren’t happy with the purchase. That group of people were the American Indians. The Louisiana territory was inhabited by the Native Americans for hundreds of years. Napoleon claimed the land to expand his empire in the Americas. Even though the Louisiana territory wasn’t owned by the French, they sold it to the Americans for the money. They sold it without informing the American Indians about the deal. The French didn’t have the right to sell the land.

The American Indians lived on the Louisiana Territory for hundreds of years. They believed that the land was no one’s to own. The French, on the other hand, claimed their territory without even fully exploring the land. They just claimed the land to expand their empire in the Americas. Napoleon had no right to sell the land to Thomas Jefferson because the land wasn’t formally his. He also didn’t warn the American Indians about the deal so it wasn’t fair for the American …show more content…

The American Indians who lived on that land were removed after the deal was made. They didn’t even know of the purchase and being removed from the land where they lived hundreds of years is just wrong. Jefferson also didn’t have the right to buy the land. According to Document 10, it states that “Let’s ignore the fact that an Executive cannot purchase land.” This shows that even though the Executive isn’t allowed to purchase land, Jefferson did it anyway and citizens were against it. The Louisiana Territory wasn’t allowed to be

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