
How Did The Treaty Of Versailles Have An Economic Impact On Germany

Decent Essays

Carly Santiago 3/23/16
Social Studies 8R Period 3

The First World War ended with the Treaty of Versailles going into effect. The Treaty of Versailles was signed June 28, 1919, it was the peace settlement signed after World War 1 had ended. The Treaty said that Germany had to admit full responsibility for starting the war. This was called the “War Guilt Clause.” Germany was responsible for all the war damages caused by World War 1. Most of the money would go to France and Belgium to pay for damage done by the war to both countries. The Germans were told to write a blank check which would be cashed when it suited the Allies. It was a lot of money which Germany could not pay. FInally, …show more content…

Germany was one of the great economic powers of the world. In world commerce, international finance, industrial activity and it had aggressive and resourceful business leaders. The treaty did make changes in Germany’s economic life. The loss of the great Lorraine iron area was a big loss for the future of Germany. Germany had to pay for all the reparations after World War 1. Reparations meant that Germany had to pay money to repair any war damage. This affected Germany because they owed an excessive amount of money to their Allies. Germany owed $6,600 million, this was such a lot money and Germany could never repay it. Since Germany lost so much of their industrial territory, it was very hard for them to rebuild their economy. Which caused Germans to lose their jobs and all their savings. This created many obstacles for the Germans. The Germans felt that the Allies …show more content…

The Allies believed in treating people based on their culture or group. This was not put up for discussion which the Germans believed was unfair or unjust. The Germans were very angry at this treaty. They were angry because they believed the treaty was unfair. They believed it was unfair because they took no part in the Conference to decide what would be on the treaty. They believed that they had been tricked and betrayed. The Germans believed that Russia was to be blamed for starting the war. The Germans believed that the amount of money they had to pay for reparations was ridiculous and it would destroy their economy and starve their children. In the 1920’s nearly all parts of the Treaty were carried out. But then in 1933, Hitler announced he would not pay the reparations anymore, and the Allies did nothing. This is when the terms were broken and the Nazi’s came to power.This caused German expansion, hyperinflation and economic downfall and it made German people upset which led them to vote for Hitler and the Fascist party. Czechoslovakia, England and France recognized growing danger of a Second World War. They were not politically ready for war. In March 1939, Hitler seized Czechoslovakia and began to move on to Poland, Britain and France. When Hitler’s army invaded Poland on Sept. 1, 1939, World War II

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