
How Did The South Lead To The Civil War Dbq

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There were many reasons why the south got so angered by the north that they decided to secede from the union. One of the reasons was because of the differences in economy and the protective tariff between the north and the south. Another reason was because of the Election of 1850 where Abraham Lincoln was elected president. Because of these reasons, the south seceded from the union later leading to the Civil War.

The first reason that the south seceded from the union was because of the differences in economies and the protective tariff. The southern economy was more based on agriculture and plantations(document 1), while the northern economy was more based on factories and manufactured goods. When the south was buying imported goods, they would buy from europe even when the north had the goods because it was cheaper. This angered the north and to protect their economy, they decided to put a protective tariff on imported goods from europe (document 2). This angered the …show more content…

Abraham Lincoln was a part of the republican party. That means that he was against slavery and wanted to abolish it (document 6). So because the north agreed with his ideas, it was the north that mainly voted for him (document 7). Because the south was pro slavery and did not want it abolished, they did not like Abraham Lincoln and did not vote for him. But when he was elected, it angered the south because that meant that he could have the power to abolish slavery, and that is the second reason that the south seceded from the union.

There are many other reasons that the south seceded from the union but those are just a few. The differences in economies, the protective tariff act, and the Election of 1850. Even though not all of the people of the south wanted to secede from the union, they still did, which eventually lead to the Civil War of the United

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