
How Did The Princeps Influence Public Works

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Throughout the reign of the Julio-Claudians, the Princeps were varied in their contributions to public works. The purpose and use of building programmes of each can be attributed to the concerns and issues facing the empire; and also can reflect the characteristics and self-perceptions held by the Princeps. Tiberius’ character, as noted by Tacitus, influenced the lack of new building programmes during his reign. However, it is disingenuous to infer that Tiberius did not commit to any at all, with Cassius Dio rebutting the account of Tacitus. According to Dio, programmes often surrounded the rebuilding and repairing of existing public works, and laying out significant sums for the common good; an example, the renovation of the Theatre of Pompey. Tiberius did not claim buildings restored by his works as his own, instead attributing them to their original builders. This may explain Tacitus’ conceptions about Tiberius’ programmes. …show more content…

A means to which this objective could be completed was through building programmes. Alongside the construction of Gaius’ previous works, Claudius also expanded the road and canal network throughout continental europe, with a road from Italy to Germany, and a canals from the Rhine to sea, and along the river Tiber to Ostia. The significance of these programmes lies in furthering transportation routes for military and commercial practices. Moreover, according to Suetonius, an eleven year attempt to drain the Pontine marshes near Rome employed thirty-thousand men, with purpose to increase the availability of arable land. This attempt failed; however, holds significance to the Principate as it acted as a steady source of employment and income for many plebeians in the region, and contributed to their sense of civic pride and

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