
How Did The Nile River Affect The Developmental History Of Egypt?

Decent Essays

“’The bringer of food, rich in provisions, creator of all good, lord of majesty, sweet of fragrance…He who…fills the magazines, makes the granaries wide, and gives things to the poor. He who makes every beloved tree to grow”’ (Khety, Spielvogel 15). The Nile river, the longest river in the world, played a huge part in the developmental history of Egypt. As the song suggests, the Nile was responsible for the creation “of all good.” This geographical feature of Egypt was and still is one of its most advantageous geographical features. It provided Egyptians with many miles of fertile farm land, and during the summer, the river would flood and deposit silt. The floods were usually predicable and it was called the “miracle” of the Nile. Those deposits

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