
How Did The New Deal Fail

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The Great Depression. What an odd name for one of the worst times during America’s history. After Herbert Hoover lost unanimously to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, FDR was dumped the problem of the Depression. During the “first 100 days” Roosevelt started putting his New Deal in motion. Roosevelt not only saved our banks, took a big part in the national debt being at its highest point. He also gave the American confidence in themselves and their government. Based on these easy to see facts, there is no way Roosevelt’s New Deal failed. When Roosevelt was put into office, the first thing he did was put a national bank holiday in effect. This meant he closed all banks down and gave them time to get back the money that they lost.According to …show more content…

During Roosevelt’s “fireside chats” he addressed the American people on the radio as if he were talking to each and every one of them personally. These fireside chats made the American people know that they were not alone during the depression. In fact, mentions, “Observers noted that his plan went far enough to silence the "lunatic fringe," but not far enough to jeopardize capitalism or democracy. FDR's confidence was contagious as millions turned to him for guidance during their darkest hours. His mastery of the radio paved the way for the media-driven 20th-century Presidency.”( The New Deal wasn’t just another political move, it helped the American people understand that they are not the only ones that are scared or nervous of what comes next. There are not many things to criticize the New Deal, however there are people who think the New Deal was a failure. Conservatives and Liberals were the biggest critics of the deal. Liberals believed Roosevelt was doing too much to intervene in not only economic problems, but social problems too. For example the gap between the rich and the poor was something Liberals consistently mentioned. On the other hand the Conservatives felt as though it gave the government too much power. These criticisms do not put even weigh in on the amount of jobs, schools, unions and projects that Roosevelt has provided America with to this

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