
How Did The Handmaid's Tale Change

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In the book Handmaid’s Tale, each character develops and changes as the book goes on. As you read, you learn more about the character’s past and how they think and act in this new society. Offred, the narrator, is a great example of these changes. At the end of the book, Offred was willing to submit to her new culture. She was scared of the consequences of her rebellious actions and she realized she should have just accepted the new way of life. At the beginning of the book, Offred would just think about being rebellious and breaking the rules. She lived her life very by the book because she was scared of the potential consequences. Although Offred followed the rules, she still thought of breaking them. Everytime a situation would come up, she would think of what she could have done. For instance, on page 139, when the Commander asks her to kiss him, she thinks of how she could take the back of the toilet apart and repeat what …show more content…

Small things here and there. As time went on she seemed to get more and more bold with her rebellion. What started out as simply having a normal conversation with Ofglen, lead to sneaking out at night to sleep with Nick. I think as the book continued, Offred continued to get more bold. Since she wasn’t getting caught, it boosted her confidence. She started to believe that the things she used to only dream about were now a possibility. In a way, she still strived to be Moira. Every time Moira was mentioned, Offred seemed to have this longing to do whatever Moira had done. In the novel, Atwood adds a section called Historical Notes. By adding this section, I feel like it gave the reader a different understanding of the book. As you read the book, you aren’t given much of a background story on how things got to the way they were. In the Historical Notes you are given a larger glimpse of the situation before the Gilead society, and also how things turned out after the Gilead

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