
How Did The Experience Of Female Mill Workers In England And Japan

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When you think of the industrial revolution it is often thought of as smokey with some railroads and men with dirt all over. Well, in this case its women in Japan and England working in big warehouses. Women in both England and Japan both had a rough time in the factories, the pay was not good at all and they were treated very poorly. How similar were the experiences in both places? When comparing the experience of female mill workers in England and Japan it is clear that they were more similar than different. This can be shown by comparing three aspects of their experiences: gender and age, working hours, and pay inequality.
When comparing the experiences of female mill workers in England and Japan in gender and age they were more alike …show more content…

Both places and women had to work from the early morning to late at night. At most they got 2 breaks in a day and had to do it all over again the next day. In England they worked about 14.5 hours in a day and in Japan they worked about 14 hours in a day. In Japan they got one day off every 2 weeks and in England they got every sunday off. The japanese worked more days but the women in England worked a little bit longer hours. (doc E) Japanese and English workers both young and old all were treated the same and had the same hours. The overseer did not care hold old a woman was as long as they got the work done. The experiences of female mill workers in England and Japan were more similar than different in working hours because they both worked the same amount of …show more content…

In England a man would get paid 40 pence while a women would get paid 26(Doc G). Women most of the time did harder work and worked for far longer but still got paid less. In Japan a man got paid 17 sen while a women got paid 9(doc H). This is still a huge difference considering they are doing equal work and the women are still getting paid less. Most of the women never complained about being paid less because this is what they have always known so they thought that nothing would get them to be paid more. The experiences in of female mill workers in England and Japan were more similar than different in pay wages because they both were paid a fair amount less than men while doing equal or more work than

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