Congress and Abraham Lincoln were able to pass the 13th Amendment, but shortly after the end of the war Abraham Lincoln was shot while attending a play at a theater. After Abraham Lincoln passed away Congress had a more difficult time under Andrew Johnson who tried to veto a Republican bill. Congress retaliated by voting to impeach the Andrew Johnson. Afterward Congress was able to pass the 14th and 15th Amendments. The 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments changed the United States by increasing the federal government’s power over the States and this had an affect across society.
Before the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments the average American experienced the federal government much less. In Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution the federal government has their power explained and one of these powers allowed them, “To establish post offices and post roads.” The average American would have experienced the federal
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In the 13th Amendment the last section says, “The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by legislation.” The 14th and 15th Amendments has similar wording attached to their final sections. This addition to each article shows that the federal government was willing to create laws to override States or individuals that may try to find loopholes around these Amendments.
In the 14th Amendment it says, “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law.” This statement allowed the federal government the ability to hold the States accountable if they decided to create laws that would discriminate on individuals based on
The significance that the 14th amendment had was so imperative because, not only did it make sure fellow African-Americans were granted citizenship they also had to be treated as equals. This allowed them to have equal civil rights and equal legal rights. It is almost as though they no longer treated the African-Americans as slaves and workers but more like people. “It stated that all persons born or naturalized in the United States are granted citizenship”.(14th amendment SECTION 1) This also allowed everyone as a whole to have equal opportunities. The 14th amendment was proposed on June 13th 1865 and it wad passed on July 9th 1868. There were 38 states that ratified the 14th amendment.
The 14th Amendment was ratified July 9, 1868 giving citizenship to all persons including former slaves. Any state that went against the constitution was punished, reducing their representation in Congress. The Amendment banned those who engaged in rebellion against the States from holding any civil, military or elected office without approval of two-thirds of the Senate and the House of Representatives. This Amendment didn’t authorize any former Confederate States from repaying war debts and reimburse former slave owners for freeing slaves. This became very inconvenient for former slaves owners considering that Slaves did majority or all the work on a plantation, which later became a major problem.
At the time the fourteenth Amendment was made, The Civil War had recently arrived at an end, beating the Confederacy. Acting president,Abraham Lincoln, had proclaimed the slaves liberated toward the end of the war; but, there were still a great deal of waiting inquiries with respect to the previous Confederates and the status of slaves in the nation. The Amendment was made to give people below the jurisdiction of the statute the privilege to fairness. This was known as the Equal Protection Clause. At this time, the purpose behind the fourteenth Amendment is to guarantee that the Civil Rights Act was maintained. On the other hand, taking after the selection of the fourteenth Amendment, Supreme Court choices started putting limitations on the
Lincoln’s 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified on December 6th, 1865 to officially abolished slavery in America. Before the president was murdered, he had made the Emancipation Proclamation which is one of the top ten most important documents in history was a speech that Lincoln issued as they were approaching their third year of the Civil War. He made it very clear that any slave in After the president’s death, the amendment was added to the Constitution and all slaves in America were set free. But, Lincoln’s other task was to try and re-build the
I feel that the changes made in the 15th Amendment, which gave all citizens the right to vote regardless of race or color, and the 19th Amendment which gave women the right to vote improved our government, because after those amendments citizens who previously would not have had a chance to vote, now could. The opinions of those citizens could now be expressed through their votes thereby expanding the demographic of the United States democracy.
In 1791, the tenth Amendment expressed, "The forces not appointed to the United States by the Constitution, nor precluded by it to the States, are saved to the States separately, or to the individuals." Public instruction was not said as one of those elected powers, thus truly has been assigned to the nearby and state governments. In 1868, the fourteenth Amendment ensured rights to all American Citizens by expressing, "all persons conceived or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the locale thereof, are natives in the United States and of the state wherein they live. No state should make or uphold any law which might abbreviate the benefits or immunities of nationals of the United States; nor might any state deny any individual of life, freedom or property, without due procedure of law; nor deny to any individual inside of its locale the equivalent security of the
Originally the Civil War was over states’ rights and limiting federal authority. Since the North won, the attempt to restrict the power of the government failed, leading the power of the federal government to be more powerful than ever. In the Merryman case, Abraham Lincoln suspended the habeas corpus (Doc 1) a writ in which a person can report an unlawful detention or imprisonment before a court. This is an example of Lincoln expanding presidential power. This led to tension within the three branches and ceased to be an issue again until the issue of who would control the Reconstruction plan appeared. This issue led to the ratification of the 13th Amendment, 14th Amendment, and 15th Amendment to the Constitution. (Doc 4) These amendments addressed citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws and granted equal, civil, and legal rights for black people. This was much to the dismay of the former Confederate states, who in turn put black codes into place to limit the rights granted to black
Abraham Lincoln made three amendments during the reconstruction of the United States and the power of congress made executive branch weak. Lincoln removed the system of slavery, gave Blacks right to vote, and made voting rights of every immigrant. Abraham Lincoln established that many law by the legislative branch. When Andrew Johnson became the president after Lincoln’s death, Johnson’s attitude toward South was harsh. “Congress took reconstruction by its own hand “(McKitrick, 1988).
The federal government began to gain power, and in Article I section 8 says, “The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imports, and excises, to pay the debts and provide the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imports and excises shall be uniform through the United States; to borrow money on the credit of the United Staes; to regulate commerce with foreign nation, and among the several states, and with the Indians Tribes… to establish post offices and post roads .” The following quote describes how the national government has different kinds of power compared to federal government. Article IV section 1 says, “full faith and credit shall be given in each states to the public acts, records, and judicial proceeding of every other state. And the Congress may general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved… ” In simpler words, the state government has to follow laws just like a ordinary
This amendment specifically outlaws the institution of slavery and involuntary servitude. This means that the Emancipation Proclamation was formally made law by United States government. The South was made to accept the new reforms to the constitution in order to be allowed back into the Union, so therefore they had to accept the fact that they could no longer depend on the use of slaves to advance economic growth in the South. Not only did this amendment not allow slavery but it also made
The Thirteenth amendment abolished slavery. It was passed by Congress on January 31, 1865 and ratified on December 6, 1865. This amendment was the first ratification Amendment. . The Thirteenth amendment makes involuntary servitude and slavery illegal everywhere in The United States of America . It also states
First, the Constitution guards us from tyranny by dividing powers between the central and state governments otherwise known as federalism. The Constitution expressly granted broad powers to the federal government, but not to the states. For instance, the Constitution includes the Necessary and Proper Clause, which allows Congress to make any law they deem appropriate to fulfill its duties. Instead of showing how much power that states have, the Constitution stressed what the states couldn 't do. The addition of the Bill of Rights, including the Tenth Amendment, helped to correct some of this imbalance. The Tenth Amendment reserved to the states or the people all powers either not specifically delegated to the national government or specifically denied to the states. This meant that the central and state
The originally Bill of Rights protected the rights of citizens from infringement by the federal government, but made no mention of the states. The Fourteen Amendment, adopted shortly after the Civil War, protected citizenship and individual rights from infringement by state governments. Under the Fourteenth Amendment’s due process clause, the United States Supreme Court began to apply the most important rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights against the states. This process began in the early 1900s and is known as the doctrine of selective incorporation. Duncan versus Louisiana was the landmark case in which the court incorporated the Sixth Amendment right to a jury trial against the states.
It was not until after the Civil War that the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth amendments were enacted and began protecting individuals against the states. The Fourteenth Amendment has been the principal means by which this protection has been accomplished. It reads, in part, “No State shall...deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.” The Supreme Court had interpreted this guarantee of liberty to embrace the fundamental liberties in the Bill of Rights, meaning that the state governments must observe and protect them to the same extent as the federal government this is also known called incorporation. The amendments in the Bill of Rights are said to be incorporated against the states through the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. There has been an ongoing debate on the Supreme Court about the extent of incorporation, and whether the entire Bill of Rights, or only some of it’s guarantees, should be incorporated against the states.
The fourteenth amendment is also known as equal protection clause. Under the fourteenth amendment, the U.S. Constitution prohibits the states from denying a person that lives in the state the equal rights of the law (LII, 2017). The fourteenth amendment applies to education, especially those that are English language learners (ELL), this means that these students cannot be denied the same rights as non-English language learners. In the Supreme Court case of Lau v Nichols in 1974, this case involved a Chinese American student that attended the San Francisco Unified School District, this student was placed into a general education classroom despite the lack of being proficient in English (Wright, 2010). The school in which this student attended was found in violation, the school was giving ELL students the same material as all other students who speak proficient English and expected the Chinese American student to be able to comprehend the information that is being taught. School districts need to provide the same material, but in a modified form where the student’s will be able to access the information to learn it in the same manner as those non-English language learners.