
How Did Slavery Impact The American Culture

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Throughout the American history, everything influenced us to be different and change the way we live now. Two events in which changed and impacted the American History, culture, and life is slavery in the South and the battle of Lexington and Concord.
Slavery in the South has made a huge impact not only the American History, but our lives as well. Slavery started in 1619 in Jamestown, Virginia. They were used to attend tobacco. The African-American slaves existed until the eighteenth century, which they were the first ones to develop the economic foundations of our country. Later, the invention of the cotton gin in 1793, which this solidified the importance of the slavery for the South’s economy. By the mid-nineteenth century, which was the expansion westward, the North would provoke a great debate against slavery. After the Civil War, the victory of our country freed four million slaves. By the …show more content…

We would not have something worth fighting for because we would have been free. We might have some problems with Great Britain and economy if we did not have slaves. Slaves have been an important role in the change of our culture because today slavery is against the law or anything of that matter. If the United States did not make that a law, we would probably have slaves today. Poor people have a chance to have a job and make enough money to raise a family. They no longer need to be separated because of the law in the constitution.
The Battle of Lexington and Concord also has an impact in the American history, culture and our lives. This was the first battle for the American Revolution. The Battle of Lexington was located in Lexington, Massachusetts and the battle of Concord was located in Concord, Massachusetts, which these two battles happened in April 19,1775 (Brinkley 103). Without these two battles we would not be a free individual country, have the revolutionary war for the revenge for

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