
How Did Rousseau Influence Art And Society?

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In source one, Rousseau asserts that modern states repress the physical freedom that is our birthright, and do nothing to secure the civil freedom for the sake of which we enter into civil society. Rousseau believed that in the form of the general will, the alienation of man would transform itself into freedom, this makes him nothing less than the inventor of modern dialectics, uniting the opposing concepts of nature (or freedom) and society (or contract), in their own opposition. All of Rousseau's ideology is trying to find a solution to the problem of alienation. He wrote that man was naturally good but becomes corrupted by the pernicious influence of human society and institutions. He preached a civilization improved by returning to nature and living a natural life at peace with his neighbors and himself. He claims to be in favor of democracy, but what he really favors is egalitarianism. Rousseau's influence both in art and politics was huge in his own day and continues to be strong today. …show more content…

She doesn't look to devastated by of the expression of her face but it looks like she wants people to think she’s scared and that she cares about what's going on. This source uses this picture to represent the hierarchy in which played a huge role in the french revolution. This woman represents the nobles that say they are trying to help and they are victims too but really it's just an act and are having a blast spending money, eating tons of food and basically showing off how much they have and that they are not willing to share any of it, even if it would be part of the solution to the war. This source has done a very good job at clearly showing with the scene behind the woman that in big numbers, the weak can become the powerful and the powerful will diminish very

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