
How Did Raphael Influence Today

Decent Essays

Before reading about the Renaissance, the word meant nothing to me but the name of a fair, Raphael was just a ninja turtle in red and the pieces of art I could easily recognize weren’t anything but some old paintings. Little did I realize that though the Renaissance happened so long ago, it’s still very significant to our lives. The purpose of this essay is not only to bring knowledge about Raphael and his work during the Renaissance but also acknowledge how influential he was an artist and still continues to have influence on many artists today. Along with his works being famous around the world, each thought and detail he put into his artwork and all he designed is still appreciated. Not only was Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino an Italian …show more content…

For some of his most famous works, a series of painting known as The Madonnas, Raphael studied anatomy and light in order to achieve the artwork that today are iconic to several religions and their churches. The Italian word ma donna means my lady, and each painting is a representation of ‘The Virgin’ Mary, where she is painted either alone or with a baby Jesus. Raphael was one of the many artists to put their skills into making these very iconic pieces of art, the list also includes; Duccio, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Giovanni Bellini, Caravaggio, Rubens, Salvador Dalí and Henry Moore. Raphael is famous for the amount of detail he put into every piece of artwork. The painter used depth and perspective to bring his art alive, with significant amounts of keen detail and emotion. For example, in The Marriage of The Virgin he even provided the people in the background with detailed emotions. Later in his life, Raphael used his talent to provide others with information in a workshop with about 50 pupils who all went on to become significant artists after Raphael passed

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