
How Did Nikola Tesla Impact The World

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I. Introduction Nikola Tesla is a man so influential yet so forgotten in history. His inventions and experiments have pushed technologies past the limits we believed we had in both electricity and wireless energy. In fact, if you look around you, most likely you’ll spot something we owe to him. For example the electricity from wall sockets run off his alternating currents (What). Or maybe you spot the lights above you, which are most likely Tesla’s fluorescent lights. Because of his work with electricity and wireless energy, Tesla has impacted the world by providing a more efficient energy source, boosting militaries, and boosting commerce, making him the most influential man in history (Cawthorne).
II. Biography According to some, on the night of July 10, 1856, the night Tesla was born, a lightning storm lit up the sky of Smiljan, Croatia. A very fitting scene, for later, he would become completely fascinated by …show more content…

You can even see the effects of his inventions in your everyday life. His alternating currents have become the basis of today’s power grid in many places (Eggert). It powers homes, places of work, lights and just about anything you can plug in the wall. The reason it’s still prefered today is that it’s still much less costly and can be transported further with less energy loss than DC (What). Without the use of Nikola Tesla’s alternating currents our world would be much different. The power grid we use today would be completely different. Direct currents would most likely be the prevailing choice of electricity, meaning to power a large area, power plants would be up almost every mile. Electricity bills would be higher due to the loss of energy during transmission. Without Tesla’s work on AC, homes, workplaces and many devices we consider important (such as fridges and lights) may not be powered as efficiently as we prefer (PBS;

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