
How Did Muhammad Spread Islam

Decent Essays

Muhammad created the religion Islam which many people follow today. He also built an empire which stretched from Spain to India 100 years after his death. He had a life of trading before he started teaching people his new religion.

Muhammad was born around 570 c.e. In Makkah. His dad died before he was born so his mom sent him out to live with relatives in the desert. When he was 5 or 6 he returned to his mother, but shortly after she died also. He became an orphan and lived with his grandfather, but then he died. He went on trading trips with his uncle, as he grew up he was known as a honest trader. He helped manage a widowed trader Khadijah’s caravan, and married her when he was 25.

Muhammad continued trading, but also spent time praying in the mountains. When he was in the mountains he went to go pray in the cave when he met Allah (arabs called God “Allah”). He was told to be a prophet or messenger of God by Gabriel an angel of God. Muhammad started teaching the things God wanted him to his own people and had them write what he said in the Qur’an. …show more content…

he started teaching other people outside of his clan, he gained some followers, but were rejected by others. Wealthy people did not want to follow his teachings and started a boycott which led to his clan dying in starvation. After 3 years of the boycott Muhammad would still teach his teachings and the Quar’an tells a story about his Night Journey. In this story Muhammad was brought to Jerusalem by a winged horse and prayed with prophets like Abraham, Moses and

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