
How Did John Proctor Committed Adultery In The Crucible

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“… Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery, Thou Shall Not Lie” (Exodus 20:14). John Proctor was the tragic hero of Arthur Miller Crucible; even though it seems as if he is the bad guy because he cheats on his wife and withholds information from the court, he becomes a hero in the end when he dies for his and for the truth. Due to the fact that it was difficult for him to get out of trouble, he committed adultery and was ashamed to admit it. John Proctor slept with Abigail who was a minor. “… I saw your face when she put me out, and you loved me then, and you do now.” ( Miller, date, page..) Even though he was willing to stop the relationship between him and Abigail, she was not. Even when Abigail mentioned her and John Proctors affair he denied …show more content…

He even said a couple times before that him and Abigail did not have anything going on. “… We never touched Abby ). (Miller , date, page) Since he lied about that, when his wife found out she was angry. No matter what, Proctor felt that he had to keep quiet about the truth about him and Abby. “… Aye but we did not). ( Miller, date, page) In hope that he tells the truth, he still did not because he was afraid of the outcome. Proctor was the most despicable character in the play because he secretly seduced a minor, lied to his wife, causing Elizabeth to fire Abby. Despite all the different personalities he showed he was a hero, at one point of the story. He finally realized that he was wrong and felt the need to tell his wife the truth and the rest of Salem. “… Give them no tear! Tears pleasure them! Show honor now, show a stony heart and sink them with it!” ) “… Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! I have given you my soul; leave me my name!” ( Miller,1692,page 993-995). Proctor did not want them to put the singed document on the church door because he did not want to leave a bad name out there for his sons. He felt like he had to keep some

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