
How Did Hitler Use Propaganda To Manipulate Germany's Youth

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Hitler and the Nazis made a nation that was struggling with the idea of democracy into a dictatorship that committed genocide, murdering 11 million people. Although this may seem like an impossibly large goal, he was actually very calculating in his thoughts and actions. By educating the youth of Germany, creating propaganda to manipulate the people, and passing anti-Jewish laws to isolate the Jews, Hitler accomplished complete dictatorship over Germany, and was able to manipulate the country any way he wanted.

One of the many tactics Hitler used to manipulate Germany’s citizens was was to start with educating the youth, He believed that by creating a youth group called Hitlerjugend, or the Hitler Youth, he could get the younger generation …show more content…

He appointed Joseph Goebbels as the head of the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, a part of the government dedicated to propaganda. Goebbels was in charge of all of the propaganda, and he used his power to brainwash the population. One example of the way propaganda was used was after Kristallnacht, the night of broken glass, when there were a bunch of attacks against Jews and their property was vandalized. Goebbels made a statement afterwards saying, “It is an intolerable state of affairs that within our borders and for all these years hundreds of thousands of Jews still control whole streets of shops... pocket the money of German tenants, while their racial comrades abroad agitate for war against Germany and gun down German officials.” He made Jews seen like a racial group that was bent against destroying Germany. The way Jews were portrayed and spoken about made people believe it. There were many posters with images of Jews portrayed as evil and disgusting people. There were captions on these posters that further provoked hate against the Jews, including “The Jew: The inciter of war, the prolonger of war.” There were also propaganda movies. One of the most famous is Der ewige Jude, or the Eternal Jew, one of the most anti-semitic movies ever. Fritz Hippler, the director of the movie wrote in an article about the movie that Jews are “parasites of national degeneracy.” It is clear how much propaganda was helping Hitler promote the Jews (and others) as a common enemy by using

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