
How Did Henry Knox Accomplish

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“ The resources of his genius have supplied, on this and many other interesting occasions, the defect of means; his distinguished talents and services are equally important and indefatigable entitle him to the same marks of approbation from Congress.”( Puls 172) George Washington said this about Henry Knox when he suggested Congress allow Knox to be promoted to Major-General after his performance in the Battle of Yorktown. The first major accomplishment of Henry Knox was his cannon deployment to Dorchester Heights, forcing British troops to evacuate Boston. Another accomplishment of Henry Knox was his planning and artillery command during the Battle of Trenton. The last major accomplishment of Henry Knox was his skillful use of artillery during …show more content…

Henry Knox will always be remembered as a Revolutionary general determined to fight for the country he loved. Henry Knox’s wartime accomplishments set a tone for the standard for an army’s artillery and what it means to be a hard working Military General. Knox was forced to leave school at an early and worked hard to prove himself to his superiors. Whether it was by shaping the US artillery into a skilled and resourceful group of men, or meticulously planning attacks on British troops, Knox proved that by working diligently and loyally for a cause you believe so fully in, you can truly make a difference. Henry Knox’s first major accomplishment was his planning and execution of efficiently moving the cannons from Fort Ticonderoga. The second major accomplishment was his leadership in the daring Battle of Trenton. The last major accomplishment of Henry Knox his critical role role he played in the ever so important Battle of Yorktown, resulting in a promotion to Major General after the battle was won. Henry Knox, through his many great accomplishments and test of character during his time as General in the Revolutionary War, merit his acceptance on United State’s

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