
How Did Harriet Tubman Contribute To The Abolition Movement

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The mastermind behind the Underground Railroad that freed nearly one hundred slaves was, in fact, born into slavery. While slavery shaped and toughened this woman, it certainly did not define her. Even a century after her death, Harriet Tubman’s presence prevails due to her fearless and determined character, her contributions to the abolition movement, and her courage in the face of adversity that still inspires us today. From an early age, Harriet advocated for herself and her values; family being a predominant theme. states, “By the age of six, Tubman was separated from her mother. Despite this continuous separation, Harriet managed to find ways to spend time with her family.” Even at the youthful age of six, Harriet still …show more content… states, “On June 2, 1863, Harriet Tubman. became the first woman to lead a major military operation in the United States when she and 150 African American Union soldiers rescued more than 700 slaves in the Combahee Ferry Raid during the Civil War.” Not only was Harriet Tubman perfectly successful in using the Underground Railroad to lead slaves to freedom, she also became the first woman to lead a significant military mission, using this opportunity to free another seven hundred slaves. While Tubman’s contributions to the Abolition Movement were integral to the Abolition Movement in the past, they continue to be equally impactful today. Harriet Tubman has proven to be a very courageous woman, but her fearlessness is demonstrated once more in Ann Petry’s biography. Harriet Tubman: Conductor of the Underground Railroad states, “If they were caught, the eleven runaways would be whipped and sold South, but she-- she would be hanged.” Even the knowledge of impending death does not sway Harriet away from her mission to lead as many runaway slaves to freedom as …show more content…

Even having died March 10, 1913, Harriet’s leadership still makes an impact today. According to, “Harriet Tubman’s life and legacy continue to inspire people today. In 2020, the US Treasury Department announced that Harriet Tubman will be the new face of the $20 bill, replacing Andrew Jackson.” The late President Andrew Jackson, a white supremacist, is expected to be replaced with Harriet Tubman on the face of the $20 bill around 2030, conveying her everlasting impact on society. Without Tubman’s prevailing legacy, a sizable portion of our world would not have been taught to fight for what is right, be persevering, or to simply endure the inevitable hardships of life with fortitude. states, “Tubman was so courageous and determined in her rescue missions that she was nicknamed ‘the Black Moses.’... Visionary leadership, Tubman taught us, is about defying expectations. Her life and her words hold out other messages for today’s political leaders.” In the absence of Harriet Tubman, many opportunities for growth in society would have been

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