
How Did Greek Mythology Influence Ancient Western Civilization

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Through written texts, documentations, stories, hymns, and art work history has been depicted and passed down throughout eras. It has been filled with politics, fine arts, war, and most of all religion. In ancient western civilizations religion was known mostly as polytheistic, which is the belief of and in multiple Gods or deities, this compared to modern era religious beliefs which are mostly built on monotheism, the belief in one God or deity. Three prominent ancient western civilizations have been seen and studied to show origins of the same prominent Gods; these civilizations are known as Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Of these three civilizations some of their most prominent deities show similarities through the myths and legends surrounding …show more content…

Herodotus was a Greek historian who was also known as the Father of History, he is prominently known for comparing Greek gods to those of Egyptian. Throughout history we can also see a slight resemblance in Nordic mythology and Greek. Herodotus states in his histories “Moreover the naming of almost all the gods has come to Hellas from Egypt: for that it has come from the barbarians I find by inquiry is true, and I believe that most probably it has come from Egypt […] the Egyptians have practically always had the names of all other gods in their country” (The Histories, 449-447 B.C, part II pg.96 ch.49). In Herodotus’s histories he mentions and compares twelve Egyptian deities to the Greek deities or also known as the Hellas, another name for Greece. These twelve Egyptian deities are known as Amun, Osiris, Isis, Neith, Ptah, Set, Horus, Bubastis, Hathor, Khonsu, Min, and Apis. Out of these twelve the most prominent to Egyptian civilization and Greek civilization would be Amun, Osiris, Isis, and Neith. In order these are compared and stated that they are the same deities to Greek civilizations religious beliefs in Zeus, Dionysus, Demeter, and Athena. Although we can question the …show more content…

Due to Egypt being one of the most prominent and earliest civilizations this is a strong conclusion. One of the most important gods/deities of Egypt was Amun who was also known as the lead god or King of the Gods. His counterpart in Greek civilization is Zeus, who was known as the leader of the gods. Also the pater of all of Mount Olympus. We see him as either the father of gods or the eldest sibling of them, and controller. Amun-Re was the god of the sun and sky, comparing this to Zeus there is a similarity because Zeus was also a sky-god and was known as the god of thunder and weather god. We can also compare both gods to their depiction of the ram. Amun-Re had the body of a man and the head of a ram, while in a story about Zeus and Heracles. Zeus did not wish to see Heracles, who was also compared by Herodotus to Konsu, and so Zeus cut open a ram and wore the body and the head depicting him as similar to Amun-Re. On a side note Zeus can also be related to Mesopotamian religion through the comparison of the Hittites gods Teshub and Marduk. Another pair of Egyptian and Greek

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