
How Did George Washington Protected The People's Rights

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George Washington was our very 1st President of the United States of America. His presidency took time during war debt due to the American Revolution during a time of European conflicts. Political parties were starting to form and he had to act efficiently to make the right decisions which would benefit the people of the United States. Despite these difficulties, George Washington protected the peoples’ rights better than John Adams because he worked to keep America safe and allowed citizens to speak out to their government. Washington wanted to protect America, along with its citizens, to the best of his ability and he showed this by making the Neutrality Proclamation. In his speech he states, “Whereas it appears that a state of war exists between...Great Britain...on the one part and France on the other...the...interest of the United States require that [it] should with sincerity and good faith adopt and pursue a conduct friendly and impartial [neutral] toward [both countries].” …show more content…

If he would have chosen Britain over France, the French would no longer be an ally and trade would be cut off, same with the British. The country is too young and still has to pay its debts from the American Revolution, which is why they do not want to cut off their trade and lose profit.. Staying neutral also protected the Americans safety by not getting anyone killed. Another war will only crush America even more. If Washington would have chosen a side, Americans wouldn’t be safe. Washington’s decision was the best for the people because it protected the citizens’ safety and helped prevent major debt from a lack of trade. Saying this, Washington protected the rights of the people. George Washington also protected the rights of the people by his speech about the Whiskey Rebellion. The Whiskey Rebellion was a rebellion against the tax on ALL liqueur lead by farmers and distillers in Western Pennsylvania . This tax was issued by Hamilton to help pays its debts from the Revolutionary

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