
How Did Genocide Cause Ww2

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During World War II, genocide was one of the major key factors during Hitler’s era of destruction. Adolf Hitler, the man who caused World War II, has brought sorrow on many Jewish families that were victims. Genocide was one of his ways to destroy the entire Jewish religion. World War II was so bad, the word “genocide” had to be created because it was that bad. Hitler’s genocide was one moment in history that can never be healed. The word “genocide” didn’t even exist until 1944. Raphael Lemkin, a jewish lawyer, created the word genocide. He created it by combining geno, a Greek word that means race or tribe, and cide, the Latin word for killing. Lemkin defined genocide as “a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction …show more content…

The first stage of the final solution was anti-Jewish legislation. Anti-Jewish legislation was the Nazi’s believing that Jewish people were trying to rise up against them. Hitler then stripped Jews from all of their power, jobs, and daily activities. He made them wear the Star of David on every piece of shirts they owned. The next stage was the Jewish Boycotts. This stage was about boycotting jewish businesses. April 1, 1933, was the first type of attack Hitler did on the jews; boycotting their business and professionals. This was an act of revenge against Gruel Propaganda. The third stage was Aryanization. Aryanization was a coined word, meaning that Nazi’s were turning jewish goods and property into Nazi property. This was basically de-jewing the economy. The final stage of Hitler's final solution was The Night Of Broken Glass. The Night Of Broken Glass was an attack on jewish people in the streets. This happened because the Nazis were angered by the assassination of a German official in Paris. The official was assassinated by a Jewish teenager. Jewish building were burned down, schools and cemeteries were looted, and a couple of dozen jews were killed. The morning after it all happened, more than 30,000 German Jewish men were arrested for being jewish. So they were sent to concentration camps. All of these stages were for the removal of Jewish people in …show more content…

This war happened between the Tutsi, a group of people that ruled the Hutu, and the people that were ruled over, the Hutu. An estimate of 500,000 - 1,000,000 million people that were involved in the war have been killed. At the time, the United States did not know what was going on. President Clinton, the president in office at the time, didn’t know what was happening either. The U.S government knew about the genocide, but they didn’t tell the people about it. The citizens knew that they can do something about the Rwandan Genocide, but they

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