
How Did General Eisenhower Develop As A Strategic Leader

Decent Essays

General Eisenhower’s strategic leader performance improved through experience and maturity. Eisenhower developed the ability to interpret and manage the strategic environment, however, he struggled to manage competing command cultures. Finally, Eisenhower implemented change after learning lessons from his early days in command. Strategic leaders must possess vision and decision making processes that will establish and maintain competitive advantage. Eisenhower did not grasp how to gain competitive advantage in Africa. His inability to understand and implement effective close air support to ground forces allowed the Germans to maintain competitive advantage. Eisenhower gained better understanding of the environment through improved decision making and stakeholder inclusion. Strategic leaders recognize a joint decision making process is required to improve the chances of success. Eisenhower included stakeholders in the decision making process while preparing to invade Sicily. Montgomery’s plan to invade Sicily was approved by the Allied …show more content…

He initially lacked strategic leadership experience which hampered his ability to manage the internal and external environments. The Allies failed to gain a competitive advantage in Africa because they could not exploit German weaknesses and collaborate as a cohesive command. Eisenhower demonstrated maturity as a strategic leader through improved decision making. He integrated stakeholders into the decision making process which improved planning efforts and execution results as demonstrated in the Mediterranean and European theaters. Eisenhower’s greatest demonstration of strategic environment understanding came in the form of deception planning. He magnificently executed the Pas de Calais deception plan that resulted in the German’s focusing resources away from Normandy which provided Allies a competitive

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