
How Did Galileo Galilei Contribute To Science

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Galileo Galilei Rough Draft
Who discovered most of the astronomic knowledge that humans have today? Who revised and improved the laws of physics? Galileo Galilei was one of the most important, if not, the most important scientists of the Renaissance. His discoveries have influenced science from the Renaissance up to the modern era. Galileo was one of the most influential men during the Renaissance. His contributions to science, and his mission to help the Church understand God’s universe still impact the world today.
The Renaissance was one of the best eras in human history. The Renaissance was a long, successful time in history filled with new interest in the arts (Ramirez 439) such as art, religion, science, and music. The word Renaissance …show more content…

But, now that he was an astronomer, he wanted to help the Church understand God’s universe, and he wanted to convince the Church of his theories. Galileo had a mission to stop the church from believing in the Earth-centered universe, because he thought that when people found out that he was right, they would question the Church’s knowledge (Swisher 22). But convincing the Church wasn’t easy, because even expert astronomers didn’t know, comprehend, or believe the amount of evidence that Galileo possessed (Swisher 22). Galileo didn’t think that the Bible should be taken exactly; he believed that most of the stuff written in in the Bible was metaphorical (Hakim 110). He also thought that science, reason, and studying God’s creation could be used to comprehend, enhance, and to even interpret the Bible (Hakim 110). He wrote about nature in relations with math and atoms in his book The Assayer (Hakim 111). He even wrote in Italian, not Latin, so that normal, everyday people could read and try to comprehend his theories (Hakim 111). This greatly upset the Church. Furthermore, because almost all of Galileo’s theories upset most people, and the church, he was placed under house arrest (Ramirez 441). Galileo’s theories weren’t accepted until after his death. That was why Galileo was so important to the Renaissance, he made so many discoveries, and he tried to help the Church in any way he could, but his ideas weren’t

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