
How Did Frederick Douglass Overcome Obstacles In Learning To Read?

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Helen Keller blind and deaf, Frederick Douglass a slave. What do they have in common? They both wanted to learn. They both had difficulties learning to read write but with hard persistence they learned. Both “the story of my life” and “Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American slave” share the central idea of overcoming obstacles to learn to read, but they do so in different ways. First off Helen Keller obstacles were being deaf and blind “Miss Sullivan had tried to impress it upon me that ‘m-u-g’ is mug and that ‘w-a-t-e-r’ is water, but I persisted in confounding the two. this quote shows that she kept combining the two. That it was very difficult to figure out which was which even though the teacher and showed her what is …show more content…

Savery proved as injurious to her as it did to me.” And “The plan which I adopted and the one by which I was most successful, was that of making friends of all the little white boys who, I met in the street. As many of these as I could I converted into teachers” also “when I was sent of errands I always took my book with me, and by doing one part of my errand quickly I found time to get a lesson before my return. I used also to carry bread with me enough which was always in the house, and to which I was always welcome; for I was much better off in this regard than many of the poor white children in our neighborhood. This bread I used to bestow upon the hungry little urchins, who, in return, would give me that more valuable bread of knowledge. These quotes explain that he was not able to learn because he was a slave. If he was treated like everyone else, like learning to read, then It could be dangerous. But he still chooses to take the risk. He made plan just to learn. He had to give up bread just learn how to read and write. But he was determined to get the knowledge. he never gave up, and even though it was hard he still was persistent, and in the …show more content…

They were both very constant they both kept pushing to accomplish what they wanted to accomplish. Even though Helen Keller was blind and Frederick Douglass was a slave they didn’t let that get in their way. They found their way around it. Helen Keller found her way round it by touching and feeling the things that the teacher spelled out. And Frederick Douglass found his way around by trading good to homeless white kids for information. They made have had it hard, but they never gave up on what they wanted to accomplish and with that they eventually learned how to read and

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