
How Did Frederick Douglass Lose His Education

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Frederick Douglass’s book, “The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass”, shows a tough life story about how being educated is the reason that he was able to escape slavery, since learning that being educated would be his pathway out of slavery Douglass did everything in his power to get educated. His old master Ms.Auld was new to being a slave master, and her lack of experience with slaves caused her to make a huge mistake, teaching a slave the alphabet. In response to this Ms.Auld’s husband warned her that teaching a slave to read is illegal. This stopped the lessons from Ms.Auld but Douglass was determined, he did everything in his power to learn to read, he bribed little white boys for books and that was when he was able to discover himself and liberate himself, all of this simply because Douglass overheard Ms.Auld’s husband say “that it is unlawful, as well as unsafe, to teach a slave to read” and that it would make someone“forever unfit to be a slave”(Douglass 41) in other words, receiving an education will allow you to be defined as human which is precisely what Douglass wants. …show more content…

I felt assured that, if I failed in this attempt, my case would be a hopeless one—it would seal my fate as a slave forever. I could not hope to get off with anything less than the severest punishment, and being placed beyond the means of escape.” (Douglass 92). Douglass's courage ended up rewarding him because he was able to become liberated, spread the truth about slavery and give him knowledge about how the world around him sees slavery. Therefore, Frederick Douglass's stance on education is that education is a right that should be given to everyone because it helps people realize their self-worth and achieve true

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