
How Did France Survive Before The Great War?

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In corresponding with the advances of technology, the French industries took the initiative before the Great War broke out, Germany too took the initiative increasing their productivity; although, the Germans was more comprehensive in planning initial attack with neighboring country than that of the French. In the minds of many strategist, politician, economists, and military critics thought that the Great War would end within the month of the outbreak, but in both ends, supplies were short and production was needed for a speedy mobilization. Thus, the other Triple Entente, Britain, was looking at France for its factories to produce many supplies that fell short such as ….. pg 94. After Germany took a vast amount of France steel production facilities, the French government was hesitant in send some of their military arsenal to the front protecting while the majority supplies and facilities was placed on the rear. When the trench strategy ensued, the French’s facilities …show more content…

Before the Great War, Germany was spending over 19,495,762 Marks on textiles for preparation. The Central Power spend more on than 21,824,729 Marks on textile in comparison to the 1912 expenditure even though the textile price was cheaper in 1918, thus the Central Axis was paying for overpriced textile since the demand was high but the production was low.
Furthermore, Australia was one of many resourceful countries for Germany; Australia exported their high-grade Zinc ore for the Metallurgical production. Australia stayed constant in the production of rubber, cotton, tin plates, shipbuilding, and glucose in the effort to feed its troops and supply them with necessary products. (7pdf) Because Australia lacked on certain aspect of resources does not warrant ignoring Australia involvement with Germany’s struggle; they both were fighting two fronts during the Great War, one on the east, Russia, the other on the west, Great

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