
How Did Emily Dickinson's Life Affect Her Poetry

Decent Essays

Have you experienced the pain or challenges Emily Dickinson has? Would you be willing to go through what she had, to understand how her poetry became how it did? Emily Dickinson’s poems are lyrics that express not only her thought and feeling but also the lands nature acting around her. When she was a teenager she discovered poetry through the works of William Wordsworth and Ralph Waldo Emerson, having been announced to both by a lawyer named Benjamin Franklin Newton. Benjamin Franklin who had later died of tuberculosis when Emily Dickinson was still young,which had a great impact on her, inspired her to continue writing poetry. Emily Dickinson’s poetry reflected upon her life through the nature, despair, and death that she experienced and …show more content…

The quote means that her friends are important to her, and their deaths also give ideas to her writing. During the 1880s Ms. Dickinson endured a huge amount pain from the loss of several close friends and family. Charles Wadsworth, Judge Otis P. Lord, and Helen Hunt Jackson, her second nephew Thomas Dickinson and her mother. These deaths highly affected Dickinson and caused her to become a very depressed person, as anyone would. A poem such as I felt a Funeral in my Brain is a good example of how her depression affected her work. In the poem she goes to explore the nature of death itself and goes on about the ceremony of transformation. Emily Dickinson talked about a person’s experience about basically dying when their “mind goes numb and hit a world at every plunge.” Leaving the last line unfinished, “ And finished knowing -then -”. emphasizes the isolation of the final …show more content…

Over a third of her poems feature death. Most of her poems also press on the field of religion, although she did write about religion without mentioning loss of life. Other nineteenth-century poets, Keats and Whitman are good examples, also death-haunted. Her poetry describes nature and what revolves around her, like what we would see out our bedroom window, she would write about that. Also her poetry goes on about death and religion which is heavily influenced by the passing that went on through her life. Her poetry shows that she was a woman who was very depressed and in tune with nature. Emily Dickinson is important to American Literature and without her poetry, American Literature would’ve been delayed or even changed from how it is today. She showed her emotions and how she felt through her poetry. Dickinson wrote about problems in society, her ideals on love, death and nature. She paved the way for many poets and helped them expand their writing ideas. Dickinson was able to stand out as a brilliant woman during a time period of the civil war and the first world war where poetry wasn’t as famous because there was no time for

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