
How Did Chris Mccandless Change In Into The Wild

Decent Essays

In a world filled with a population of millions of individuals, there are very few who embark on adventures to see the world from a different point of view. Chris McCandless is one of these rare individuals who embarked on a journey where he could embrace nature and himself as a person. Chris McCandless has a different perspective on life than other people have. Throughout Into The Wild, McCandless is seen as a person who goes and seeks risky experiences and challenges himself to do more daring things. McCandless leaves his family to go on a journey to Alaska and into the wilderness where he ends up dying. McCandless embarked on many different challenges throughout his journey in Alaska. His actions, and the risks he takes during his trip to …show more content…

McCandless strayed from the norm. He wanted to embrace the unknown and embrace the challenges of the wilderness. Many things that had been going on in McCandless's life had led him to go on his journey. One main reason was his complicated relationship with his parents, mainly his father. Chris was angry with his parents because he found out that his father had an affair with his mom.“Chris’s smoldering anger.was fueled by a discovery he’d made two summers earlier.Chris pieces together the facts of his father's previous marriage and subsequent divorce.” (121). This quote shows that this discovery of his had affected him and his relationship with his parents. McCandless didn't know how to take in this information, he felt betrayed by his father for not informing him about what happened. McCandless isn't the type of person to express his feelings and talk about them to anyone. Due to this, McCandless started to distance himself from his parents and society as a

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