
How Did Chris Mccandless Achieve The American Dream

Decent Essays

The definition of American Dream is that we all have the equal opportunity to achieve success and determination, prosperity through hard work and initiative (“”). Chris McCandless was a graduate, son of wealthy parents, a consider brother, a top student and athlete but he chose a different American Dream from his family and friends. Chris McCandless did achieve his American dream through hard work, determination and initiative when he finally made it to Alaska. In Alaska he hunted, explored and watched animals in the woods from an old abandoned bus. He enjoys the beauty of Alaska that was so breathtaking to him. He was isolated from his old life, from his family and from his friends, but Chris McCandless enjoys every minute of his American dream until the day he died.
He often disagreed and had …show more content…

Wayne, for example, never knew anything about Chris McCandless’ parents and that’s why the authorities had such a hard time identifying his body. Wayne was his friend and Chris McCandless’ boss. He employed Chris for a job working at his grain elevator, “I’ve given jobs to lots of hitchhikers over the years. Most of them weren’t much good, didn’t really want to work. It was a different story with Alex. He was the hardest worker I’ve ever seen.” (Krakauer, 17-18) Wayne said this about Chris McCandless. Chris McCandless was a hard working person and took an initiative to become a successful student, prosperous employee, and thriving athlete. Chris McCandless had plenty of success, whether it came to working at the grain elevator, working at McDonalds or Pizza hut, developing an app, achieving in cross country or exceptional grades in school. Chris McCandless always excelled at everything he did and he achieves success through his determination, his hard work and his initiative. So, yes Chris McCandless achieved his American dream even in

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