
How Did Che Influence The Cuban Revolution

Decent Essays

The most important sources that this paper will analyze are Che’s personal writings: Diary of a Combatant and Reminiscences of The Cuban Revolutionary War. Both are crucial for understand Che’s transformation from a troop doctor to a guerilla commander. To understand Che’s influence on the Cuban Revolution it is important to understand Che’s background. Che was born Ernesto Guevara de la Serna in Rosario Argentina on June 14, 1928. Che’s upbringing was modest and his parents were educated and a part of the middle class.. In 1945, Che attended medical school in Buenos Aires to become a medical doctor. During his residency, Che traveled to Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela practicing medicine on the local populations. In 1953 Che heads to Guatemala, a country experiencing their own revolution whose leader was Jacobo Arbenz. While in Guatemala, Che became involved in political activity, studying Marxism. Arbenz would be overthrown a year later by the American CIA. These events shape Che’s ideology as he sees the U.S. as an …show more content…

Thereafter in 1956, Che sailed for Cuba on the Granma. The Granma arrived in Cuba on December 2, 1956, and the attack was a failure forcing Castro, Che and the other revolutionaries to flee into the thick jungles of the Sierra Maestra. It was in the Sierra Maestra against all odds that with Che and Castro’s resilence that the Cuban revolution continued despite overwhelming odds. Che acted as the doctor and later on commander for the Cuban rebel guerrillas. Because of Che’s medical expertise, many of the rebels were able to continue fighting in the Sierra Maestra. Biographer of Che Jon Lee Anderson credits Che as being the cause for success of the Cuban Revolution because of his brilliant tactics as military commander and a guerilla

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