
How Did Archduke Franz Ferdinand Cause World War 1

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Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the nephew of Emperor Franz Ferdinand. They belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed by a German. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo was the cause of World War 1. They called World War 1 the “war to end all wars” because it was supposed to be the last war that promised everlasting peace. The Allies won World War 1. World War 1 ended with an agreement for peace an armistice. World War II was mostly caused by the Treaty of Versailles being unfair towards Germany. The crashing of stock markets during the Great Depression, and Adolf Hitler gaining control were lesser causes of World War II. The main cause of World War II was the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles was signed to make peace after World War 1, this included the War Guilt Clause. This stated that Germany was the cause of the war so, as a consequence, they needed to pay reparations. Germany lost plenty of land because of the treaty. This made life hard for Germans because they needed to move …show more content…

The Spartacus League and the Freikorps did not like their current government, and they both wanted to change it but had their own ideas. So they had a struggle. The Friekorps won and they joined Hitler and the Nazi’s, together they overthrew the government, and Hitler became the leader of Germany(Doc F). The Goebbels said that the Jews corrupted the Germans. They did not follow their morals and they ignored Germany’s customs. The Jews refused to fight in the war. As a result, Hitler blamed them for the losses of World War II. Hitler saw the Jews as a threat, so he killed them and destroyed their property(Doc G). Hitler was the leader of Germany and he was admired by the Germans for showing pride which they did not have. However, he also killed the Jews because he believed they were to blame for Germany’s

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