
How Did Andrew Jackson's Economic Policies Affect The Economy

Decent Essays

Andrew Jackson’s economic policies and views on banking during the mid-19th century’s impacted the United States economy negatively. The closing of the Second National Bank created an uneasy economy that put all federal funding into state banks and left the United States economy susceptible to economic depression and his creation of the Specie Circular caused the panic of 1837. Andrew Jackson economic policies and views on the national bank took an economy that was working efficiently, after the Era of Good Feelings, and weakened it immensely by removing the National Bank and implementing poor economic policies.
Throughout Jackson's Presidency he was opposed to the Second National Bank and when he succeeded in shutting it down he effected the US economy greatly. Without the National Bank 347 new banks opened and started to lend …show more content…

The Specie Circular did not stop the rush of speculators from buying land but they could not sell the it forcing them to turn over the land to the banks. The banks could not break even on the loans they gave to the speculators because no one could buy the land from the bank. The inability of the state banks to recover the money they lent out in their loans caused them to fail. Jacksons poor policy that ruined many state banks caused the panic of 1837. The lack of supply of gold and silver in the state banks and the major demand for it, caused by the Specie Circular, forced the banks to stop issuing hard currency. When people came to withdraw their deposits the banks could not give people their money because they ran out of hard currency. It was not until congress agreed to federally fund the state banks with the surplus gained by the land rush that they could end the panic and return people's money in 1838. This panic revealed the true instability of the US economy without a strong National

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