
How Did America Influence The Constitution

Decent Essays

On september 17, 1787 the U.S constitution was written, but was it original? No it wasn’t, it was actually highly based off other documents. Such as the Magna Carta, the Articles of confederation, and the Shays Rebellion. All of these documents affected the Constitution in their own way.
The Magna Carta was a document about limiting the King’s power and increasing individual rights. Much like the Magna Carta the Constitution focused on increasing individual rights. They even made an entire section of the Constitution meant for protecting these rights, called the Bill of Rights. This section has 10 amendments each protecting an its own Individual right. The Magna Carta influenced the Constitution because, it showed the Founding Fathers how a healthy country should be ran. This decision of putting in the Bill of Rights, made all the fighting Americans went through in the Revolutionary war worth it. One of the biggest reasons why this war took place is that Americans wanted a voice and more rights, and all this did was give them what they were asking for. …show more content…

Although at the time it seemed good, later on more and more problem kept uprising. These problems influenced how the Constitution was written by avoiding these problems. One of the biggest problems of the Articles of Confederation was a powerless National government. The Constitution resolved this issue by making 3 branches of government, the Legislative branch, Executive branch, and Legislative branch. This overall affected the way the Constitution was written because, it showed them how a working government couldn’t be ran. This made the U.S change up their way of thinking about the government, by providing more power to the National Government. This decision made hundreds of years ago is still the same type of government we run

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