
How Did 9 / 11 Affect The United States Of America?

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How did 9/11 affect the United States of America? On September 11, 2001 one of the world’s most tragic terrorist attacks happened to the United States; Terrorist’s hijacked four planes and crashed two of them into the World trade center located in New York city the third plane crashed into the pentagon and the last one was crashed somewhere in Pennsylvania on a field. Many lives were taken away that day; because of this tragic attack different sparks of questions and conversations raised to the surface, mostly bad. There were many questions that involved America’s security, such as our airports, the amount of tourism we had, and immigration we allowed in. People even sparked questions related to the government, such as, “Should we trust our government?” and “Was this a set-up?” Once questions about the government entered the air, American citizens started to think, if they should trust other countries into our state. I believe this topic can be very controversial because of the different ways you can look at this tragedy. I believe the United States of America was affected in so many ways and in all the research I have done my goal is to inform you on the many different ways September the 11th affected America’s security, our government and the American View.

Gonzales 2 In order to achieve my goal I will be splitting my paper up into three sections; the first section will discuss America’s security, the second will discuss Government and the last section will be on

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