Explore the ways one or two minor characters are presented in the text “Of Mice and Men” “I never get to talk to nobody” – Curley’s Wife Of mice and men is a novella set in the 1930s. It is based on the theme of dreams and how they are crushed, amongst others. This book also gives an insight into the lives of men and women on ranch in America during the depression. Women pot the right to vote in the late 1920s, but during the depression, people lost interest in the women’s rights. There was a return to old attitudes and saw then either as house wives or as whores. In this novella, Steinbeck tackles many issued for women during the time. One of his minor character’s in the novella is Curley’s wife. She is a very interesting character to …show more content…
Through her physical appearance are part of her actions, Candy’s descriptions of Curley’s wife seem to be accurate after her first appearance in the novella. On the other hand, Curley’s wife’s appearance could be seen as a naivety or simply youthful desire to be found attractive. Red is a primary colour therefore young adults would be attracted to it; it is also a bright colour which could symbolise happiness. Therefore Curley’s wife wearing the colour red could simply be because she likes bright colours which perhaps portraits her youthfulness. Some scientific research also proves that naive people have more chances of having wide eyes which, we can clearly see through Steinbeck’s saying ‘wide spaced eyes’. In addition, another connotation of red is danger. Red could be for-shadowing the blood that was to shed. It could also mean that she is calling the men into gambling “their jobs and money to the only girl (married) on the ranch”. Furthermore, red is the colour of the girl’s dress in Weed, which brought panic and worries to Lennie and George. So, Steinbeck could use this to undertone the violence and threat to make the reader worried and build tension throughout the novella. Additionally, her body language adds on perfectly to the descriptions given by Candy. “She put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward”. This would clearly suggest that she is
Author John Steinbeck creates some of the most realistic characters in literature in his novelette Of Mice and Men. George, Lennie, and Curley’s wife are examples of both strength and weakness. In the end, each of them are pushed beyond the limits of what a normal human being should endure. Curley’s wife is a victim in her own life. Her dreams of becoming an actress are crushed, she is lonely, and she is murdered by Lennie.
The Red Convertible by Louise Erdrich is a short about the lives of two Chippewa brothers living on an Indian reservation in North Dakota. Erdrich uses the symbol of red to show emotions associated with red and the setting which allow readers to understand the text while providing opportunity to read a lot more into the story. Color associations varies with many different cultures. Although Erdrich created a Native American story, she draw readers of different backgrounds to find some relationship with colors. There are two specific connotations of the color red.
The colour 'red' is repeated throughout her description which may symbolise her danger and suggests that she should be avoided; the 'red' acts as a warning sign. It is also a very seductive colour. This links to her face being 'heavily made-up', implying that she craves attention from the men. She adopts a very flirtatious demeanour in the bunkhouse, using body language to attract attention. ' Leaned against the door-frame so that her body was thrown forward' and 'she smiled archly and twitched her body' are examples of how she uses her body and looks to draw attention to
First of all, multiple aspects of the story relate to the color red. There is so much anger and rage in the book, especially coming from the migrant workers. “His eyes passed over the new men and he stopped. He glanced coldly at George and then at Lennie. His arms gradually bent at the elbows and his hands closed into fists. He stiffened and went into a slight crouch. His glance was at once calculating and pugnacious. Lennie squirmed under the look and shifted his feet nervously.” (Steinbeck 25). Curley has a lot of hatred and rage directed towards Lennie, and it's very prominent in the book. This is just one example of the multiple times anger pops up among the characters in
The narrator describes her as a women with “full, rouge lips and wide spaced eyes, heavily made up”. Her heavy use of makeup shows that her looks are unnatural and cares what other people think about her. This example shows that her desperation for attention causes problems because if one of the many men get attracted it could result in a negative outcome. Candy also uses characterization to indirectly describe Curley’s wife as desperate for attention. Candy says she is a “tart” and gives “the eye”. Because Curley’s wife thinks her husband is not attentive, I think she is trying to gain the attention of other men to make her husband jealous and more attentive. This shows that her request for attention can result in negatives outcomes because she is inducing a battle for attention of the men which she completely fails to provide due to the fact that the men already know she is
The “brittle quality” of her voice could also indicate how the façade that she has is very weak and fragile. Often animals have wide spaced eyes which could be implying how much like the animals, Curley’s wife has no rights and is naïve and unintelligent like them. Curley’s wife, though might just be a preference, wears a lot of red. Her red mules and fingernails could possibly reiterating the events in weed where Lennie meant no harm to the girl with the red dress however she ended up accusing of rape. Furthermore foreshadowing the events with Curley’s Wife and Lennie as red has it’s connotations of danger and a warning sign. On the other hand it solidifies her sultry ways due to red having its connotations of romance. There is no other reason to dress like this apart from trying to grab the attention of the other men on the ranch seeing as its highly impractical. Curley’s wife tries to get the men to acknowledge her in as many ways as possible; even in her body language. The way ‘her body thrown forward’ and ‘she smiles archly and twitched her body’ is very provocative. Her overly flirtatious ways present her to be confident when in fact her insecurity and crippling loneliness lead her to be
look at other Men or Women after they are married but they do not make
When you see colors what do you feel? Different colors have the ability to convey different emotions. For example, red can commonly be associated with anger and blue is often associated with sadness. In the book, Of Mice and Men, many emotions are conveyed, especially by Lennie. Lennie is like a child, trapped in the body of a big, strong man and he experiences many emotions throughout the book, ranging from innocence to loyalty, which are represented by the color, yellow. Yellow is representative of innocence, loyalty, and helplessness, that Lenny experiences throughout the book, Of Mice and Men. From its childlike quality to its warm undertones, I’m going to tell you why.
Curley’s wife is perhaps the most complex and ambivalent character in the novel. She is a pivotal character in the book, yet her personality is never fully
The narrators description of Curley’s wife physical appearance is figuratively sexual “She had full rouged lips” implies that her lips are for the purpose of kissing and possibly to perform fellatio
She dreamt of having a career in theater. A man presented her a job, but she couldn’t take it because Curley’s wife’s mother did not agree. She thought that Curley's wife was too young to go off into the real world. If her mother didn’t make her refuse the offer, she “Coulda been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes-all them nice clothes like they wear. An’ [she] coulda sat in them big hotels, an’ had pitcher took of [her].”
Curley’s Wife may be misinterpreted by most of the other workers at the same time, as there are times when she seems to snap out of the flirtatious character, and into the vulnerable human being persona. This character is introduced when she is confiding in Lennie about her ambition to be a Movie Star, but these attempts are being blocked by Curley. "Coulda been in the movies, and had nice clothes". This shows she want’s recognition She shows a very vulnerable and human character to us all when she goes as far as to tell Lennie her true feelings about Curley , “a nasty man”. This drives us away from the impression of Curley’s wife that she’s a vixen who sports fancy red shoes. This aspect of Curley’s Wife’s character tells us that she is a victim not of her actions, but of the stereotypical image of women. Also she's unnamed in the novel, possibly to add to her sense of loneliness or to show the insignificant role women played in that time/era in the eyes of males
The novel Of Mice and Men written by John Steinbeck is set in America in the 1930’s and it describes the lives of migrant farmers as they go from farm to farm looking for jobs. It also shows the loneliness of the characters and the hard work that they put in. The main characters of the book are Lennie, a man-child, and George, a small man but very powerful character that takes care of Lennie in their journey. Also when they get to the farm they meet the bosses wife who is very lonely and looks for company in the workers. Steinbeck uses characterization to bring his characters to life using various techniques.
We are introduced to the character of Curley’s wife in chapter two. Up until this point, George and Lennie have just arrived on the ranch. They are greeted by ‘the old man’(Candy). Candy is a long-term swamper who has no real friends other than his companion dog. In efforts to befriend George and Lennie, Candy takes the opportunity to help them accustom to the ranch. A quick profile of the boss is followed by a low down on Curley and his wife. Candy portrays a negative impression of Curley’s wife and even goes as far as describing her a ‘tart’. Aswell as this he goes on to say that she ‘She got the eye’. This gives the reader the impression that Curley’s wife is promiscuous. Women of promiscuous character are shamefully looked down upon by society
Curley’s wife is one of the most contrasted characters in this novella , not only is she contrasted she is also layered like an onion or Russian doll and under each layer there is a different personality that she hides. At the beginning of this novella we are introduced to a vain, narcissistic young woman who flirts with stable hands on the ranch in which she resides. But as we go on into the novella, this flirtatious young woman becomes a shell of a frightened and broken young girl who has always dreamed of being more than just an ordinary girl.