
How Can You Do You Have A Good Quality Mik?

Better Essays

IGN(Ingame name) FaithfulMember

Age : 14

Timezone : EST

Country : Canada

Do you have a good quality mic?: Yes. I have a Kotion Each G400

Do you have Telegram & Teamspeak?: Yes my telegram is and I also have Teamspeak.

How many hours can you put into the server a week :
Monday : (None Holiday) 3-5Hours
Tuesday : (None Holiday) 3-5Hours
Wednesday : (None Holiday) 3-5Hours
Thursday : (None Holiday) 3-5Hours
Friday : (None Holiday) 5-7Hours
Saturday : 7-10Hours
Sunday : 7-9Hours
Monday : (Holiday) All Day
Tuesday : (Holiday) All Day
Wednesday : (Holiday) All Day
Thursday : (Holiday) All Day
Friday : (Holiday) All Day

Any previous punishments on Faithful?:

Any past experience being a staff …show more content…

I have proof This one is AscensionHCF and Ares is

Why do you want to become staff? :
I would like to become staff because I have been playing faithful for about 3months so far, and the experience with all the players is great! and I feel like if I moderated the server I could at least help the community with all the hackers to make it a better place so no one gets a higher advantage. I will stay loyal and never abuse because the server is well made and is a great community and I would not like to take that away from all the staff members and players. If I see a staff member abusing or false ban someone I will get in Teamspeak with a admin+ and tell them to watch him because its not right for staff to abuse. This community whenever I log on I say Hello in chat and a few people say Hello back and it brings a smile to my face. I feel like as a staff member its your job to not just moderate chat but actually engage in finding players who have Hacked Clients on. I know this server is the best Hcf server I've been on so far. I will respect both staff and players even if I get denied. The server has been treating me well so I will like to do the same for the server and the community. and whatever decision you make I will respect. even if I don't get accepted I will still moderate chat as gold rank and help players if they need it. I want to be staff on here

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