
How Can Make Their Own Reflections Every Time They Implement A Mathematical Task As A Framework?

Decent Essays

The main idea of this article is to teach teachers how make their own reflections every time they implement a mathematical task as a framework. According to the article, it is very important to reflect teaching individually and with colleagues. Stein and Smith explain that making reflections might be a difficult task to do since teachers do not know where to focus on. They also mention how their experiences with middle school teachers in the QUASAR (Quantitative Understanding: Amplifying Student Achievement and Reasoning) 
project have helped them to see that by focusing on mathematical tasks and their phases of classroom use can assist teachers when making reflections. Another important point that they talk about in this article is the way they explain how important is to focus on mathematical tasks. They explain two ways on how to present a task, in which teachers could either implement lower-level demands or higher-level demands. Lower- level demands consist of letting students memorize procedures without making connections. On the other hand, they describe higher-level demands as giving the students the opportunity to think more in depth, while at the same time making connections. For instance, in the article they show us a picture, where memorization becomes a way to learn that 1/2= 0.50=50% and no connections at all. Procedures with connections, in this case, higher- level demands, are more complex examples. For example, “using a 10 × 10 grid, identify the decimal

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