Camping is a fun, low cost way to enjoy the summer with family and friends. Here are a few tips that will help you be a responsible camper while you enjoy the wild. 1. For bug repellent try citronella candles and Avon "Skin So Soft" instead of toxic chemical insect repellents. 2. Wear long sleeves and long pants at dawn and dusk when insects are most active. 3. Stay on trails to protect habitat and avoid snake encounters. Snakes sense vibrations, so walking with a buddy or a group is not only wise, it will announce your presence to snakes who just want to avoid encountering YOU! 4. Invest in a good sleeping pad, or at the least, put an exercise mat under your sleeping bag. 5. Block ice lasts longer than bagged ice. Make your own at home by filling milk jugs or water bottles. The less you open the cooler, the longer the ice will last. 6. Never hang lanterns on trees because the heat can cause serious harm. 7. Pack a small plastic bucket for dish washing and never use the bathhouse sink for this task. 8. Hungry critters can be very clever and destructive. Keep food locked in vehicles or tied up in trees. 9. Freeze chili, soups and stews in zip lock bags, then heat them after they thaw. The frozen bags help keep ice from melting in the cooler. Rice and pasta can also be cooked ahead of time and reheated on a camp stove. 10. Pita pockets keep their shape better than loaf bread. 11. Disposable water bottles make great dispensers for salad dressings and sauces. 12.
Along with my happy attitude, I will put the best of my cooking abilities to work. I hope to take to camp the things that I learned from a Consumer Science class, including nutrition, preparation, and hygienic conduct. A clean space is key when preparing a meal, so dishes will be squeaky clean, as well as the counters
What's really important is to use bug spray, they get really annoying. I got at least like 50 bug bites, it was very, very, annoying. 150 more to go.
While camping is generally an inexpensive way to spend some time outdoors, the simple meals that follow will can help campers stay to a very minimal budget. It is important for beginner campers to realize that there are many simple meals that can be made without purchasing specialized camping cookware (which can be very expensive!). If you don't have any cookware that can be used over an open fire, check out your local thrift stores for simple cookware that can be used. A frying pan (cast iron is preferable) and pot for boiling water is enough cookware for most camping trips. There are also many foods that can be cooked in aluminum foil alone without the use of any other cookware. Develop meals around the materials that you have and foods that you like to assure an inexpensive trip. Here are some cheap and easy to make meal ideas to get you started. Pancakes make a cheap and easy camping breakfast. A plastic drinking cup with a snap on lid is great for mixing the batter (by shaking the sealed cup) and pouring onto a pan. Instant rice that is made from boiling water is another inexpensive meal starter. Either eaten alone or with meat and vegetables, instant rice is filling and very cheap. Other foods made from boiling or hot water that are inexpensive and can be the basis for cheap camping meals include Ramen Noodles, oatmeal, and instant potatoes. The campfire baked potato is one food that is cheap and easy to make while
At Dog Et Al, in the beginning of June there is always this swarm of bugs that take over the restaurant. I call them the summer bugs. They aren’t there year round, but it seems as if they find a hole and try to takeover the entire building. I know of a few restaurants this happens to. Since I knew it was going to happen, I was prepared for the swarm and was able to protect all the food. While I did put the food where it would be safe (it was only a pan of chips and about fifteen apple pies), I got a coworker to grab a can of Raid that we had to kill the bugs so they couldn’t do any damage. I thought I was very preventative because this could have caused major problems.
2- The greatest concern about having the pests in restaurants is that they will -----------
You should also have your patio area outdoors treated if the bugs are troublesome there too. If earwigs are eating your garden or flowers, you may need lawn treatments as well, or you can make DIY earwig traps out of jars filled with syrup that lures them into a jar they can't escape from.
3. Avoid keeping overripe or rotten fruits and other farm produce in the house--This will deny the flies a conducive environment which they require to grow,thrive
This repellent keeps away mosquitos, ticks, chiggers, and other biting insects for up to 10 hours to protect you when you are out fishing for the day, camping for the weekend, or simply trying to enjoy the great outdoors. To get the most out of this No See Um spray, you should spray all exposed skin when you plan to be outdoors or in areas where you know biting insects will be, for an extended period of time. Re-apply when you start to feel bites again or every 10 hours.
But there are lots of dopes that will counteract the pests. The simplest perhaps is oil of citronella. Two bits’ worth of this purchased at any pharmacist’s will be enough to last for two weeks in the worst fly and mosquito-ridden country.
Since the beginning of time, people have had a few basic needs. Somewhere to live, and most importantly, something to eat. Nature works within a very delicate balance, and one of the biggest challenges we face is the battle to keep our food supply plentiful and safe. Various plants, animals and other organisms can threaten our food supply, along with our health and comfort. When they display a threat we consider them to be pests, and their impact is never taken lightly.
Start Pest Proofing In The Kitchen: Pests really enjoy your food, so the kitchen is a popular place for insects. The most common include ants, cockroaches and moths, so if you see some crawling around, take it seriously. If there’s one, there’s probably
Although most people might think that going on a camping trip is too much of a hassle and a time consuming activity, there are several tips from camping experts and enthusiasts on how to make the camping experience easy and enjoyable. Camping should be thoroughly executed in order to prevent speed bumps from turning into full blown issues along the way. When all the check lists and to do lists are executed properly, campers can truly maximize the overall positive outcome of the camping experience.
But all the fun can not be possible without some good planning. True tent camping requires some critical supplies as well as "nice to have. " Traditional items include tents, sleeping bags, stove, cooler, etc. But often times we find ourselves either forgetting something important or wishing we had more convenience.
achieve without their chemical control. In Egypt, Khidr et al. (1996) tested the efficacy of the
Use an insulated lunch bag with a small ice pack or frozen juice box for foods that need to stay cold.