
How Black Codes Led To Jim Crow Laws

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How Black Codes Led to Jim Crow Laws
What I Already Knew and What I Wanted to Know For my research topic I chose “Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws.” I chose this topic because I have heard about Jim Crow Laws many times through television, books, and history classes but never in depth. I wanted to know more about the topic, along with black codes, which I have never heard about and didn’t know existed. Choosing this topic allowed me to gain more knowledge on both of these topics. Before this paper, my knowledge of Jim Crows laws was that they were laws that White Southerners were using to keep former slaves as insubordinates to them. I learned that this is the basic idea and purpose of the Jim Crow laws, but they were also used to prevent complaints and issues, with the separate but equal laws, that said that black were to receive equal, but separate public facilities and buildings. What I wanted to know is how black codes differed from Jim Crow laws. To answer this question I found out the history behind them, the differences and the similarities, and in that, was able to grow as a researcher.
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The start of my essay writing process began with research. The results of my research taught me that black codes were the laws that gave white slaveholders total custody over the blacks when they were taken from their countries and brought to the “New World.” The laws were made to dehumanize blacks and enforce the idea that they were “savages” and ensure that they

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