
How Are Paine's Ideas Presented In Common Sense

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“Thomas Paine was a political activist, philosopher, political theorist, revolutionary and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States” (Wikipedia). He wrote two of the most important pamphlets at the beginning of the revolution and he was one of the sources of inspiration for americans to declare independence from Britain in 1776. One of his most important essays was Common Sense. Common sense was publish in 1776 and it questioned the power of the British monarchy and government over America. It was written in simple language because he was trying to reach “the common people”. Common Sense is considered one of the first documents to openly demand independence from Britain. In Common Sense Paine starts by giving his opinion about government and religion, then he starts to talk more specifically about the problems that the colonies faced. Although, many of the ideas presented in Common Sense are not completely new, it did offer an ultimatum for people “Give up reconciliation now, or forever lose the chance …show more content…

However, he was convince that after people had a chance to think about it, they’ll realize that they need independence in order to advance as a nation. Moreover, he believed that their fight for independence would affect more than just America. He believe that the of abuse of power is a problem that most countries faced. He claims that they have to adopt the cause of America as the “cause of all mankind.” His dream is for America to become an example of freedom and democracy to the rest of the world. By the end of the introduction he explains why he published Common Sense anonymously, he says that his ideas should be able to stand by themselves. Although, some people argue that another reason was the fear of going to

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