
How Archaea Work in Symbiotic Relationship in the Digestive Tract of Termites

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Archaea and the origin of life. The word Archaea originated from the Greeks, meaning beginning. Throughout this essay we will go through discovers of Archaea and why they are classified as Prokaryotes and what the actual evolutionary relationship of Archaea to Eukaryotes and bacteria. We will look at the differing views throughout the scientific community in regards to the number of domains. Over whether three domains of life or two domains of life fit in the Tree of life. We will look at some research that has supportive evidence of the same. This essay will then look at the Habitat of Archaea – why many Archaea are classified as extremophiles and how these are not just bacteria’s and that extremophiles are a diverse group …show more content…

The distinction was made from Prokaryotes Bacteria and Archaea which are classified different to the domain of the Eukaryotes and there four kingdoms (animals, plants, protists and fungi). The Prokaryotes meaning comes for the Greek word meaning (pro) “before” and (karyon) meaning “nut or kernel” Most of the prokaryotes can be seen as a unicellular organisms although the myxobacteria have been seen in different stages in their life cycles like in colonies of cyanobacteria. (Also call blue green algae) Which are predominantly photosynthetic and also fall into prokaryotes Eubacteria kingdom. Although you can find some Algae as Eukaryotes domain. Like most algae’s that are photosynthetic can produce oxygen gas as a by-product. Theorists have proposed that this could have been the link to change the early atmosphere on earth into and oxidizing one that enabled the stimulation of the biodiversity of life that we see today.
Archaea have been examined in all different environmental stimulation using independently cultured molecules, but most of the well-defined cultures have been from an extreme environment of high pressure and temperature to very high or very low PH levels or what you would classes as very anaerobic environments Archaea are more dominant in these types of conditions. Because Archaea have an independent variable differences in their evolutionary history of biochemistry

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