
How Animal Farm Influenced Me

Decent Essays

Their are so many good books out there to read in this world today. One of those books have the ability to change someone's attitude towards reading and writing. People should pick up a book that they would enjoy and start to read it. Reading can be very interesting if you just pick up the right book and dive into it. George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm is a great book that influenced me in reading and writing my senior year of high school. I see this book by George Orwell to be very influential because many things in our world today repeat themselves. Animal Farm has influenced me to learn from my mistakes instead of making the same mistakes over and over again.

The reason this book influenced me in writing was because writing wasn’t really my strong side throughout high school. I really didn’t enjoy writing because my writing grades were always my lowest grades. I kept making the same mistakes with run ons, fragments, and subject verb agreement. I also, struggled with getting my ideas on paper and writing in descriptive detail. This frustrated me throughout high school because I knew their had to be something done to change my …show more content…

The reason this book connects to writing is because in writing you have to learn from your mistakes. I think that if I had never read this book I would have kept getting the same grades back in writing because to be a successful writer you have to learn from your mistakes. Also, the novel changed me with the way I write because before I never really wrote in descriptive detail. The novel is rich in descriptive detail, and makes a good connection with the past and present. I believe that George Orwell’s Animal Farm has showed me how to write in rich descriptive detail. Like for example George Orwell talks in detail about how the animals were abused, filled with great hunger, worked to death, and treated unfairly by the

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