
How A 2d Framework Of Mind Perception

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This study by Gray et al. explored how a 2D framework of mind perception could be used to further our understanding of psychopathology. They have done so by examining the interaction between the two dimensions of mind perception: agency (e.g. capacity for conscious control) and experience (e.g. capacity for feelings), with three subclinical syndromes: autism-spectrum disorder, schizotypy, and psychopathy. By reviewing current literatures, a distinct profile of under- and overperception of agency and/or experience was speculated for each syndrome. Specifically, Gray et al. hypothesized that people high in autism spectrum would be characterized by underperception of agency in adult human, people high in schizotypy would overperceive mind in non-human targets, and people with psychopathic tendencies would underperceive experience in living beings. The Mind survey was adopted to assess participants ' mind ascription profiles, in which they have rate their perception of nine targeted entities. It could be inferred from the study that beside the rather miscellaneous target Superman, a typical individual without tendency for disorders would perceive those entities according to 4 categories: being capable of both agency and experience (man and woman), being capable of mainly experience (baby and dog), being capable of mainly agency (God and robot) and being capable of neither (tree and dead woman). Moreover, participants were required to complete web versions of the Autism-spectrum

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