
Hotel California Short Story

Decent Essays

Hotel California “This should be fun,” said Anderson Duvall as he drove his 1998 Ford F150 up the snowy mountain road. A desolate, mountain range in Northern California, this was not how he wanted to be spending his winter. “It’s only for two months,” he tells himself as he sees the massive brick prison. It is actually very beautiful, not like a prison in any way. He feels as if it wanted to suck the soul out of him without remorse. What he had done wasn’t that bad… was it? He found it odd… after what he had done, how he had done it. He expected to go to the penitentiary or to be sentenced to at least house arrest but no, he had been sent to work. He supposed this was worse than the slammer in a way- isolation, no human contact for the whole winter. Perhaps he would get seasonal affective disorder, after all he wouldn’t be seeing the sun for a whole two months. They told him that they were trying out new disciplinary actions. He didn’t buy that for a second. Funny to think that only three months ago he began his sophomore year in college, engineering major, being looked at by every major basketball team from here to Saint Louis. But that's gone now. He figured he might as well forget about his past life, the accident changed it all. “Why not try to enjoy this sentence of pure insanity?” They had known full well that he wasn’t right in the head after the fall that ended his basketball career. That’s why he did what he did! He had wondered since that day what sinister

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