
Hosting Plan Essay

Decent Essays

- Introduction
We have looked at many different kinds of hosting plans. These are all plans geared at hosting websites on either one or more servers that are owned and leased out by hosting providers. These different plans all share the same characteristic in that they specialize in getting businesses up and running one the internet. They have varying degrees of support offered by the host company to its clients to look after the servers or server portions that they have leased. These are very useful and have become highly popular as the whole world gets more and more connected.

Now we change gears slightly and we move to a very vital part of business that can often times be overlooked, even though it is highly important for …show more content…

At this point in our technological era, it would be highly rare to come across someone who has not sent or received an email let alone heard of it.

Hosting has been explained in great detail in past articles where we looked at the best hosting companies for different types as well as operating systems. Email hosting is a part of the broader hosting industry however it focuses on a specific service, this being emails. As has been mentioned there are many companies out there that offer free emails, if you have ever sent an email on google then you fall under the customer base of these companies. Other companies take hosting a step further and host their own emails from their servers. This is usually for bigger companies who can afford the costs involved with self-hosting their emails.

The other option is to go to a provider that specializes in hosting only emails. This would be the truest example of email hosting. As you would have a hosted account on the company’s servers however the only thing you would have hosted from that server would be the emails and email applications that your business uses. This is especially good for those businesses that deal in email intensive process which cannot be supported on the free services, but they do not yet have the resources to buy their own email host server.

- Features of Email Hosting
Before you can decide if email

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