
Hospice Care Thesis

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Thesis Palliative/Hospice Care: Necessity or Extension of Healthcare: a topic chosen to obtain clarity of services, while questioning who is benefiting, patients or the healthcare system.
I. Introduction: The Historical Roots of Hospice
In the 8th century, B.C. the Homeric times, all Greeks without exception were regarded as being under the protection of Zeus Xenios, the god of strangers and supplicants. A wanderer would be treated as a guest and offered food, shelter, clothing, and gifts. Violation of the duties of hospitality were likely to provoke the wrath from the gods. (Forman and Kitzes, et al 2003). Patients who were not cured by an itinerant physician could be cared for at a temple of Aesculapius, the god of …show more content…

Most people with a terminal illness are eligible for hospice care that is paid for by Medicare, Medicaid, Veteran’s Benefits, or private insurance. These payers need data that enable them to factor quality of hospice care into their reimbursement and contracting decisions. Hospice quality and value must be central in policy decisions. (Meier, Isaacs, Hughes, 2010). The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (Med PAC) recommended to Congress that Medicare Advantage (MA) health plans include the Medicare hospice benefit as a part of their benefits package in 2016. Access to comparative quality data for hospices allows payers to incorporate quality into decision-making. If MA plans incorporate quality data into their contracting process and select higher performing hospices, beneficiaries would be more likely to receive high-quality hospice care. (Meier, Isaacs, Hughes, 2010). Financial worries can be a major burden for a patient facing a terminal illness. Most hospice patients are Medicare participants with eligibility to a hospice benefit that minimizes out-of-pocket expenses in the last months of life. The Medicare hospice benefit covers prescribed medications, visits by medical and nursing professionals, home health aides, short-term inpatient care and bereavement support for the family after the patient has died. The Medicare …show more content…

The medical regime, health care organizations and the public are aware of these end-of-life issues, therefore must prioritize it’s needs. The American Medical Association and the Institute of Medicine foundation has devoted millions of dollars to public education on this issue through the Last Acts initiative. (Forman and Kitzes, et al 2003).
This is one reason so many patients enter hospice only in the last days of life. A more reasonable approach would be to have a patient begin Palliative/Hospice care while receiving curative care. The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is about to embark on a project to evaluate whether providing hospice services earlier in an illness along with curative care, improves quality of life for patients while reducing Medicare spending.

If Palliative/Hospice care were to be provided soon after a terminal diagnosis, there would be more hospice care would be more timely. About a third of hospice patients die within seven days of admission to a Palliative/Hospice program. This short length of stay compromises the quality of care that hospice offers.


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